Terms and Conditions – Les CUPIDZ

Article 1 – PURPOSE

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale are concluded between the agency Les CUPIDZ, hereinafter referred to as Les CUPIDZ, and the person wishing to order an event service offered on the website lescupidz.com, hereinafter referred to as the Client. Les CUPIDZ and the Client are collectively referred to as the Parties.

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale define the rights and obligations of the Parties in the context of the online sale of event services, hereinafter referred to as Services. The Parties agree that their relationship is exclusively governed by these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

Les CUPIDZ’s General Terms and Conditions of Sale are subject to modification as the business of Les CUPIDZ develops. For each order placed, the applicable General Terms and Conditions of Sale will be those in effect on the day the order is placed.

Any order for a Service listed on the lescupidz.com website shall signify the Client’s final and irrevocable acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale. Any specific derogation must be agreed upon in writing.

The Client acknowledges being fully informed that their agreement to the content of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale does not require a handwritten signature, as the ordering process is computerized.

The lescupidz.com website allows the Client to book a Service (via the Contact Form) and to be informed, prior to ordering, of the detailed content of the Service, its price, payment methods, and cancellation conditions.

An order placed by the Client through the lescupidz.com website engages the Client as soon as payment is made. The confirmation of the order via email serves as, between the Parties, a handwritten signature.

Upon completion of payment, the Client receives an acknowledgment of receipt by email confirming the registration of their order.

Article 2 – SERVICES

The Service ordered by the Client is described in the Service description available on the lescupidz.com website. The date chosen by the Client for the execution of the Service is the only date considered in the event of the Client canceling the Service.

The elements associated with the Services presented on the website, such as descriptions, photographs, videos, or any other type of information, are not contractual, are provided for purely indicative purposes, and do not bind Les CUPIDZ. The erroneous and/or incomplete nature of the information provided on the lescupidz.com website shall not call into question the validity of an order placed by the Client.

The Service can only be performed if, on the day of the Service, the Client is located in one of the following departments: Pyrénées Atlantiques (64), Landes (40).

Services such as “Dans ma Bulle” and “Bulle de Rêve” require the approval of the Client’s accommodation venue. It is the Client’s responsibility to obtain approval from the accommodation venue before placing their order. If, on the day of the Service, the accommodation venue refuses the Service, the Service cannot be carried out. This situation will be considered as a cancellation of the order less than fourteen (14) days before the execution of the Service, with the consequences described in Article 6 below.

The Client acknowledges that Les CUPIDZ has drawn their attention to the precautions to be taken and the instructions to be followed during the execution of the ordered Service.

Article 3 – PRICE

The price of each Service is indicated in euros including taxes (VAT exemption) and per Service, and is applicable only on the date of ordering the Service by the Client. The price is valid for a maximum of two people participating in the Service.

The rate of each Service does not include any service not expressly included in the Service description.

Article 4 – PAYMENT

The payment of the order must be made in euros by bank transfer. Any bank charges incurred by the Client’s bank for processing the payment in euros, when the Client’s account is not denominated in euros, are fully borne by the Client.

The order of a Service is definitive only when the payment for the Service is made by bank transfer in a single installment and for the total amount.

At no time shall the amounts paid by the Client to Les CUPIDZ be considered as deposits or advances.

The Client guarantees Les CUPIDZ that they have the necessary authorizations to use the bank transfer payment method.

Les CUPIDZ reserves the right to refuse to honor an order from a Client with whom a payment dispute is ongoing.

In the event that payment proves to be irregular, incomplete, or non-existent, for any reason whatsoever, Les CUPIDZ is entitled to consider that the Client has canceled their order, with the resulting costs being borne by the Client. The Client remains in all cases responsible for paying the total amount of the ordered Service.

Les CUPIDZ recommends that the Client keep a paper or reliable electronic record of the data relating to their order.


Services intentionally modified at their execution location by the Client are subject to the financial conditions of Les CUPIDZ’s service providers. Extras not expressly provided for in the order and additional services incurring additional costs must be paid directly by the Client to the providers and cannot in any case engage the liability of Les CUPIDZ.


Any cancellation must be notified to Les CUPIDZ by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. When the cancellation notification has been made by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, the date of receipt acknowledgment will be considered as the cancellation date for billing cancellation fees.

Any total or partial cancellation from the Client results in a refund to the Client of the cost of the Service as follows:

Cancellation more than 61 days before the Service: 75% of the total amount.

Cancellation from 31 to 60 days before the Service: 50% of the total amount.

Cancellation from 15 to 30 days before the Service: 25% of the total amount.

Cancellation less than 14 days before the Service or no-show: no refund.

Except for cases provided for in these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, no unilateral cancellation of the order is possible without the written agreement of Les CUPIDZ.

Article 7 – INSURANCE

In accordance with applicable law, Les CUPIDZ has Professional Liability insurance underwritten with MMA under contract number N°147322584.

If the Client resides abroad and benefits from the Service as part of a trip to France, it is the Client’s responsibility, at their own expense, to take out optional insurance such as repatriation assistance, search and rescue costs, medical assistance, cancellation insurance, and baggage insurance. These insurances can be taken out with the insurer of their choice or with the travel organizer of their trip.

Article 8 – MINORS

Les CUPIDZ reminds that, in application of Article 1124 of the Civil Code, unemancipated minors are incapable of contracting. Therefore, orders intended for minors must be placed by the authority of parents or legal guardians.


The personal effects of the Client exposed during the execution of the Service are in no case insured by Les CUPIDZ. Les CUPIDZ cannot be held responsible for damages of any kind, particularly fire or theft, that may affect personal items at the Service location.

The organization of Services involves the selection of service providers, managing options and bookings on behalf of the Client, logistical organization, and quality control.

Each Service is subject to the regulations specific to the sector of activity of the providers responsible for organizing it, and these providers are the guarantors to the Client as well as to Les CUPIDZ.

In the event of any damages or incidents suffered by the Client during the Service, Les CUPIDZ will provide the Client with the names and contact information of the providers who intervened during the execution of the Service, so that the Client can directly exercise remedies of their choice against said providers.

In the event of soiling and/or damage to the hotel room caused by the Client, a cleaning fee (established by the establishment in question) will be invoiced and payable immediately to the provider that suffered the damages.


The availability of Services is subject to their availability at the time of ordering.

Services offered on the lescupidz.com website are by nature entities available in limited quantities. Since a Service is unique and involves a specific number of providers, it is customary that only one Client can benefit from it on a given date. Only the first Client to order the Service on a given date will be able to benefit from it on that date. The unavailability of a Service on a given date cannot engage the liability of Les CUPIDZ or entitle the Client to damages.

Les CUPIDZ undertakes to accept any order within the limits of its production capacity.

Article 11 – FORCE MAJEURE

Some Services may be modified or canceled in case of adverse weather conditions.

If, due to adverse weather conditions, Les CUPIDZ or one of its providers cannot provide the Service on the scheduled date, Les CUPIDZ undertakes, as per the Client’s wishes:

to propose a free rescheduling of the Service to a later date that must be agreed upon between the Client, Les CUPIDZ, and Les CUPIDZ’s service providers responsible for performing the Service.


to refund the Client within seventy-two (72) hours following the date of cancellation of the Service, the amount of the order reduced by 75% of the total amount.

In the event of Service cancellation, especially due to adverse weather conditions, the Client will be notified by telephone at the number they provided in the Order Form at least thirty (30) minutes before the earliest time in the agreed-upon time slot. In this case, the Client shall not be entitled to any indemnity other than the free rescheduling of the Service or the refund of their order reduced by 75% of the total amount.

The cancellation of the Service may be imposed by circumstances of force majeure, particularly concerning the safety of individuals. Specifically, cases of force majeure or fortuitous events, in addition to those typically recognized by French jurisprudence, include transportation disruptions, bankruptcy of one of the providers involved in the organization of the Service, wars, attacks, political disturbances, earthquakes, fires, inclement weather, storms, floods, lightning.

When conditions, especially concerning the safety of individuals, require it, Les CUPIDZ reserves the right to modify the scheduled times of the Service, and the Client shall not be entitled to any indemnity other than the free rescheduling of the Service or the refund of their order reduced by 75% of the total amount.

The Client is informed that the course of the ordered Service may undergo potential modifications due to events beyond the control of Les CUPIDZ or decisions from competent authorities.

Article 12 – EVIDENCE

The computerized records, kept in the computer systems of Les CUPIDZ under reasonable security conditions, shall be considered as evidence of communications, orders, and payments between the Parties.

The archiving of exchanges between the Parties is carried out on a reliable and durable medium in order to constitute a true and lasting copy thereof in accordance with Article 1348 of the Civil Code.

Article 13 – COMPLAINTS

Any complaint for non-performance or poor execution of a Service must be reported to Les CUPIDZ by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within a mandatory period of fifteen (15) days after the date of the Service, accompanied by any supporting documents. After this period, no complaint can be considered.

In case of emergency or major execution problems of a Service, the Client is required to inform Les CUPIDZ on-site at the earliest opportunity at the number provided in the order confirmation email.


Les CUPIDZ is a registered trademark with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI).

All trademarks, logos, designs, photos, animations, videos, texts, concepts, and scenarios appearing on the lescupidz.com website are the exclusive property of Les CUPIDZ.

Any partial or complete reproduction of logos, designs, photos, animations, videos, trademarks, texts, concepts, and scenarios appearing on the lescupidz.com website, on any medium, for commercial, associative, or volunteer purposes, is prohibited without the consent of Les CUPIDZ and the rights holders.


The information provided by the Client when making a reservation is intended for Les CUPIDZ. Their processing aims to validate, secure, and manage the Client’s order.

The information provided by the Client when placing an order will not be transmitted to any third parties other than the suppliers and service providers responsible for carrying out the ordered Service. This information will be considered confidential by Les CUPIDZ and its suppliers.

In accordance with Article 34 of the law “Informatique et Libertés” (Data Protection Act) No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, the Client has a right to access, rectify, modify, and delete data concerning them. To exercise this right, the Client must send an email to contact@lescupidz.com or a letter to Les CUPIDZ, 20 avenue de la Reine Victoria, 64200 BIARRITZ.


These General Terms and Conditions of Sale are subject to French law.

Article 17 – DURATION

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale apply for the entire duration of the availability of the services offered by Les CUPIDZ.


The lescupidz.com website is published by Les CUPIDZ.

Les CUPIDZ is an individual enterprise registered in the National Directory of Trades in Bayonne under the number 900 412 297 and whose registered office is located at 20 Avenue de la Reine Victoria, 64200 BIARRITZ.

Trademark registered with the INPI No.: 4963904.

Les CUPIDZ has taken out professional liability insurance (RCP) with the company MMA under policy number 147322584, covering its civil liability.

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